

The registration of our mead as “Traditional Specialty Guaranteed” took several years and included the following stages:

2004 – preliminary actions to prepare our application for mead registration

9 May 2005 –the publication of applications for the registration of four types of mead, and short specifications of the products in the Official Journal No. 5 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

7-10 November 2007 – the publication of registration applications in the Official Journal of the European Union.

28 July 2008 – the registration of Półtorak (GTS), Dwójniak (GTS), Trójniak (GTS), and Czwórniak (GTS) mead by the European Commission (EC) in line with Regulation No. 729/2008 of 28 July 2008.

15 December 2009 – following a successful verification of product compliance with specifications, carried out by the Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection (IJHARS), The APIS Beekeepers’ Cooperative becomes the first producer to launch mead registered as “Traditional Specialty Guaranteed”

Following an inspection in March 2017, the Cooperative was yet again awarded Quality Certificates for its Trójniak and Czwórniak meads, which confirmed that this mead could be marked as a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed.
By buying our “Staropolski Tradycyjny” tTójniak mead, marked as “Traditional Specialty Guaranteed”, consumers can be sure that the product has been produced on the basis of an old traditional method.

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